The Author

Vicki Delany
Vicki Delany is one of Canada’s most prolific and varied crime writers and a national bestseller in the U.S. She has written more than forty books: clever cozies to Gothic thrillers to gritty police procedurals, to historical fiction and novellas for adult literacy. She is currently writing four cozy mystery series: the Tea by the Sea mysteries for Kensington, the Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series for Crooked Lane Books, the Catskill Resort mysteries for Penguin Random House, and the Lighthouse Library series (as Eva Gates) for Crooked Lane.
Vicki is a past president of the Crime Writers of Canada and co-founder and organizer of the Women Killing It Crime Writing Festival. Her work has been nominated for the Derringer, the Bony Blithe, the Ontario Library Association Golden Oak, and the Arthur Ellis Awards. Vicki is the recipient of the 2019 Derrick Murdoch Award for contributions to Canadian crime writing. She lives in Prince Edward County, Ontario.
Visit them on Facebook at and Twitter @vickidelany and @evagatesauthor for book news, contests, and prizes.
Media Contacts:
Agent: Kim Lionetti, Bookends Literary Agency.
Penguin: Miranda Hill (
Crooked Lane: Matthew Martz (
Kensington Publishing Company: Elizabeth Trout (
Orca Rapid Reads: Ruth Linka:
Vicki Delany began her writing career as a Sunday writer: a single mother of three high-spirited daughters with a full-time job as a computer programmer. Sunday afternoon was – and at that, only now and again – the only time she had to spend all by herself, with a single candle on her desk for a bit of atmosphere, a Bruce Springsteen tape in the tape deck, and a nice cup of tea at her elbow. When she felt like really letting loose, the tea might have turned into a glass of wine.
The years passed, as they tend to do, and the three daughters, somewhat hesitantly, flew the coop, leaving Vicki more time to devote to her writing. She was able to write three novels of suspense, set in Ontario, two of which, Scare the Light Away and Burden of Memory were published to critical acclaim by Poisoned Pen Press of Scottsdale, Arizona.
In 2007, Vicki took early retirement from her job as a systems analyst with a major bank and sold her house in Oakville, Ontario. At that time In the Shadow of the Glacier, the first book in a police procedural series set in the British Columbia Interior was published. After travelling around North America for a year with her dog, Shenzi, she bought a home in bucolic, rural Prince Edward County, Ontario, where she rarely wears a watch and can write whenever she feels like it.
Since settling in Prince Edward County, Vicki has continued with her writing career, publishing books in several different sub-genres as well as books for adults with low literacy skills.
The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop series, published by Crooked Lane Books
- Elementary, She Read, March 2017
- Body on Baker Street, Sept 2017
- The Cat of the Baskervilles, Feb 2018
- A Scandal in Scarlet, Nov 2018
- There’s A Murder Afoot, January 2020
- A Curious Incident, January 2021
- A Three Book Problem, January 2022
- The Game is a Footnote, January 2023
- The Sign of Four Spirits, January 2024
The Lighthouse Library Series, by Eva Gates, originally published by Penguin Obsidian, now by Crooked Lane Books
- By Book or By Crook, 2015
- Booked for Trouble, Sept 2015
- Reading up a Storm, April 2016
- Spook in the Stacks, June 2018
- Something Read Something Dead, March 2019
- Read and Buried, October 2019
- A Death Long Overdue, October 2020
- Deadly Ever After, May 2021
- Death by Beach Read, June 2022
- Death Knells and Wedding Bells, June 2023
- A Stranger in the Library, June 2024
The Year Round Christmas Mysteries originally published by Berkley Prime Crime now from Crooked Lane Books
- Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen, Nov 2015
- We Wish You a Murderous Christmas, 2016
- Hark the Herald Angels Slay, 2017
- Silent Night, Murderous Night, September 2019
- Dying in a Winter Wonderland, September 2020
- Have Yourself a Deadly Little Christmas, September 2023
Books for Reluctant Readers, published by Rapid Reads (Orca Press)
- A Winter Kill, 2012
- Juba Good, 2014
- Haitian Graves, 2015
- Blood and Belonging, 2017
- White Sand Blues, 2017
- Blue Water Hues, August 2018
- Coral Reef Views, January 2020
The Constable Molly Smith Series, published by Poisoned Pen Press,
- In the Shadow of the Glacier, 2007
- Valley of the Lost, 2009
- Winter of Secrets, 2009
- Negative Image, 2010
- Among the Departed, 2011
- A Cold White Sun, 2013
- Under Cold Stone, 2014
- Unreasonable Doubt, February 2016
The Klondike Gold Rush Series, published by Dundurn Press:
- Gold Digger, 2009
- Gold Fever, 2010
- Gold Mountain, 2012
- Gold Web, 2014
Standalone Novels of Suspense, published by Poisoned Pen Press:
- Scare the Light Away, 2005
- Burden of Memory, 2006
- More Than Sorrow, 2012
Vicki Delany
Media Contacts:
Agent: Kim Lionetti, Bookends Literary Agency.
Penguin: Miranda Hill (
Crooked Lane: Matthew Martz (
Kensington Publishing Company: Elizabeth Trout (
Orca Rapid Reads: Ruth Linka: